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Tuesday, December 03, 2019 

Rehabilitation justice doesn't work at all

A writer at the Federalist explains what a disaster Britain's justice and law enforcement system is like, and how it enabled the terrorist Usman Khan to go free and commit murder:
The British police force was severely cut under prime ministers Tony Blair and David Cameron, the British version of the liberal-neocon duopoly who, just like their American counterparts, believed in the transformative nature of justice. Transform they did, although not criminals and terrorists. Instead they transformed their countries for worse. The British police force is kneecapped by its own ruling class, the product of its new woke elite, complete with crackpot theories and activist impulses.

The U.K. death penalty was removed due to the liberal empire. Police patrols were de-sexed — mom and dad duos, as some Brits call them. Now U.K. police are represented by a middle-aged, overweight, balding man and a plump woman in comical fluorescent jackets, looking more like road repair workmen than law enforcement officers, standing on street corners looking bored as they do their daily hours. In police stations, woke officers are more interested in checking mean tweets and dancing during LGBT parades than in catching criminals.
Clearly, it's not just the top brass themselves, but the rank-and-file staff members to boot. Who, to be sure, are even comprised of LGBT activists; no wonder they take part in such marches more than expected. And how did Khan get released?
Consider this latest case. The terrorist Usman Khan was caught and docked after he planned a mass murder in the London Stock Exchange in 2012. The punishment was hideously lenient, even from the beginning. The total jail sentence was 16 years. Yet halfway through the sentence, he was released by activist judges who, given their enormous wisdom, decided an electronic tag could control this maniac.

Think about that for a moment. A violent and emotionally stunted man, radicalized by an ideology that promises martyrdom for mass murder, was thought to be controllable with only an ankle tag to monitor his movements, by our judges, who live in guarded mansions. Naturally, when this man fled his house, got a giant knife, and started indiscriminately stabbing people on the London Bridge, members of the public were left to stop a terrorist with a fire extinguisher and a pub-door decoration of a Narwhal tusk. [...]

That is the crux of the problem. Modern Western law enforcement and academic theories behind it tilt heavily toward rehabilitative justice instead of a classical and orthodox punitive deterrence — almost so much, it verges on utopia. Led by leftist professors and academics with flawed research and biased conclusions, churned out like gospel truth by sympathetic urban liberal journalists, and enforced by law enforcement officers and hyper-liberal activist judges, for more than 40 years our society has been slowly but surely transformed from within.
Without a doubt, academia by today's standards is by far one of the worst enemies, maybe even more so than leftist journalism.

Since we're on the subject, there's a troubling revelation in who participated in downing Khan:
It has also emerged that one of the people who helped tackle Khan was James Ford, who in 2004 was jailed in Kent for the murder of 21-year-old Amanda Champion.
What?!? This is honestly beginning to sound awful, because regardless of the man's willingness to stop a terrorist, it still doesn't excuse his own past crime. Yet it does demonstrate what a mouth of madness the UK's been like for decades on end.

To put a stop to this horror anywhere, leftist academics have to be removed from universities everywhere. They cannot be allowed to infiltrate and destroy.

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