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Thursday, December 01, 2022 

Jewish Holocaust memorials exploited by BLM

A sad example of how Holocaust Memorials in the USA are bound to be destroyed someday, as the country begins its slow march to Orwellianism:
The Auschwitz Institute’s staff is notable for being largely non-Jewish, but does include Duaa Randhawa, a program officer for online education, who is a veteran of the violently antisemitic Council on American-Islamic Relations: whose associates have supported the murder of Jews.

Some have even praised Hitler and called for another Holocaust

Dina Bailey, the head of U.S. programs for the Institute, is an African-American diversity trainer.

The Auschwitz Institute has employed, coordinated and cited materials from George Soros’ Open Society networks. Soros had collaborated in the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, has blamed Jews for antisemitism and funded antisemitic activities since then.

And while the Auschwitz Institute takes no particular anti-Israel position, nor is it particularly concerned with the threatened genocide aimed at a nation with millions of Jews.

The troubling hijacking of the Holocaust to promote Black Lives Matter
, issue ‘land acknowledgements’ and other woke virtue signaling is all too typical of the appropriation of the Holocaust for leftist causes.

Holocaust museums have been clearing out exhibits about the mass murder of Jews to make way for Black Lives Matter propaganda.

The Holocaust Museum of Houston promotes Ibram X. Kendi’s “How To Be An Antiracist” and “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir” by Patrisse Kahn-Cullor. The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida triggered a massive backlash with its George Floyd exhibit. But the Auschwitz Institute is a particularly graphic example of not only a growing trend of woke Holocaust exploitation, but also Holocaust expropriation.

The Claims Conference acts as the official trustee for Holocaust victims, claiming and negotiating over property and compensation in their name, and then dispensing it. These funds are supposed to be allocated to organizations that provide support for survivors.

It’s difficult to see how the Auschwitz Institute fits that criteria

The Auschwitz Institute actually represents the troubling intersection of Holocaust universalization and state-sponsored wokeness. The role of foreign governments, including some of those involved in perpetrating the Holocaust, which now support an institute that smears the country that ended the Holocaust, is obscene. Especially when that institution also appears to be funded with money that was meant to be used to help Holocaust survivors.
It's devastating this is what's happening today in the USA. But it was sadly possible, due to all the lack of interest by supposedly concerned in remaining vigilant. Now, we're seeing another domino fall in the collapse of the USA to political correctness, as antisemitic sources take over what they shouldn't have anything to do with.

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