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Wednesday, October 18, 2023 

Backfiring terrorist rocket launch ends up causing explosion at Gaza hospital

The Islamic Jihad movement in the Gaza strip, which is just as much supported by Iran as the Hamas, caused an explosion at a hospital in their own vicinity:
The Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization was responsible for an explosion at the Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, due to a misfired rocket intended to kill Israeli civilians, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The explosion, which reportedly killed hundreds of people, sparked outrage, with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas pulling out of a meeting Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden over the issue. Biden has backed Israel’s war of self-defense against the Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza and which killed over 1,400 Israelis in a massive terror attack on October 7.
Just don't take Biden's backing at face value, considering how much money his bunch have given to advocates of the Religion of Peace already like Iran.
Hamas and critics of Israel rushed to blame an Israeli airstrike. News wires, like the Getty photo service, published unproven claims Israel had “attack[ed]” the hospital, citing the “Gaza Health Ministry,” which is run by Hamas.

But Israel, noting that it does not target hospitals, said an errant Palestinian rocket was a likely cause, later confirming that analysis.
Point: jihadists otherwise don't care if they end up striking their own side. And that's exactly what happened, all because of the hate they're so full of, to the point where they're willing to drag the entire world down with them.

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