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Sunday, October 22, 2023 

IDF strikes terrorist cell hiding under mosque in Jenin

The army took out a terror cell that concealed itself under a mosque in the Jenin area:
IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari delivered a statement to the media and referred to the war against Hamas and the airstrike on a mosque under which terrorists hid themselves in Jenin.

"They desecrate holy places in the hope that they can get us to attack them. They use the civilian population and the symbols of Islam as a shield,"
he said.

Hagari said that the terror cell hiding under the mosque was planning a “murderous terror attack inside Israel” and was a "ticking time bomb."

"We increased the attacks overnight and eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists - anyone who took part in the massacre is a top priority for elimination," he said.

"We will go to the next stage of the fighting under the best conditions - in accordance with the guidance of the political echelon," he added.
Well it's good that this was taken care of, and shows the military realizes that even in the Judea/Samaria area, danger lurks.

Update: while we're on the subject, here's also a list of the victims of the Hamas savagery on October 7. And more commentary by Ashley McCully.

Update 2: here's more on the subject of dealing with terror tunnels under the mosques and such.

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