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Thursday, October 26, 2023 

Perverts in Canada allow transsexual man to swim with underaged teen girls

Canada continues to try and ape the USA when it comes to transsexual ideology, and men who exploit it for the sake of demeaning women. This is particularly egregious:
A Canadian swimming competition allowed a trans-identified 50-year-old biological male to compete against teenage girls over this past weekend in Toronto.

Nicholas J. Cepeda, also known as "Melody Wiseheart," competed against girls aged 13 and 14 in the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre's Fall Classic swimming competition at Markham Pan Am Centre on Oct. 20, according to Rebel News. Cepeda is a member of the Orangeville Otters Swim Club.

While the Pan Am Centre initially denied that the 50-year-old man was competing against teenage girls, documents obtained by the outlet reveal otherwise.

According to the competition schedule, Cepeda competed under the name "Melody Wisehart" in the Heat 3 race, which lists Wisehart's age at 50, while the rest of the competitors are listed between the ages of 13 and 14.

Cepeda notably placed last when he was up against 15-17 year old girls.
Even if he ran out of luck against older teens due to his age, it's still no excuse. Was he allowed to enter the dressing rooms with any of them? That's the chilling part; it's entirely possible. And all the sexism that led to this stems from the same kind of mindsets that enable antisemitism to boot. Ontario once again takes the cake for surely being the worst place you could be in Canada.

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