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Saturday, December 09, 2023 

6 teenagers in France convicted for roles in Islamist murder of Samuel Paty

Six teenagers have been convicted for the role they played in the jihadist murder of the teacher Samuel Paty, all because he wanted to discuss the monster known as Muhammed:
A French juvenile court on Friday convicted six teenagers for their roles in the 2020 beheading of a teacher by an Islamic extremist, an attack that shocked the country and shone a light on the real-world dangers of online hate speech.

Samuel Paty, a history and geography teacher, was killed near his school after showing his class cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a debate on free expression. Attacker Abdoullakh Anzorov, a young Chechen who had become radicalized, was killed by police.

The court found five of the defendants, who were 14 and 15 at the time of the attack, guilty of involvement in staking out the teacher and identifying him for the attacker. The sixth defendant, 13 at the time, was found guilty of lying about the classroom debate in comments that aggravated online anger against the teacher.
But here's the bad news:
One was given a six-month prison term but allowed to serve under house arrest with an electronic bracelet. The others were given special suspended sentences of between two and three years requiring them to stay in school or jobs. The sentences included special educative follow-up measures that also involved their families.

Lawyers for Paty’s family decried the sentences as too lenient. [...]
And they're correct. They should be tried as adults, if they weren't, and in any event, this marks another judicial embarrassment where the establishment is trying to dodge serious responsibility.

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