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Monday, December 04, 2023 

Hamas supporters in Philadelphia hurl obscenities at Israeli-owned restaurant

In Democrat-controlled Philadelphia, pro-Hamas demonstrators continued to act truly disgusting, targeting the Goldie's restaurant which is owned by an Israeli immigrant:
Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside an Israeli-American’s falafel shop in Philadelphia on Sunday and charged the owners with “genocide” for their support of Israel after Hamas’ terror attacks on Oct. 7, according to CBS News.

The store is owned by Chef Michael Solomonov, who is Israeli, and he announced in October that his business would be raising funds for the charity Friends of United Hatzalah, which provides emergency services to those injured in Israel, according to CBS News. A protest, organized by the Philadelphia Free Palestine Coalition (PFPC), marched to Goldie and began chanting that the business was complicit with “genocide.”

“Goldie, Goldie you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide,” the crowd chanted, according to a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

[...] Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania called the protest’s targeting of Goldie a “blatant act of antisemitism” and denied claims that it was a “peaceful protest,” according to a post on X.

“A restaurant was targeted and mobbed because its owner is Jewish and Israeli,” Shapiro wrote. “This hate and bigotry is reminiscent of a dark time in history.” Shapiro also said that he had spoken with Solomonov and that he and his wife “look forward to breaking bread there with them again soon.”
Here's more:
Governor Shapiro stated that he has been in contact with Solomonov and looks forward to eating at the falafel shop.

The demonstration outside Goldie's was also condemned by Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), who wrote: "I can’t believe I even have to say this but targeting businesses simply because they’re Jewish owned is despicable. Philadelphia stands against this sort of harassment and hate."
Oh, do tell us about it. There was election fraud in Philly 3 years ago, all for the sake of ousting Donald Trump from office, and crime in the city's increased since, so is it any surprise this terrible incident could happen? Hardly. Shapiro - and Boyle - will do the right thing to attend the restaurant in solidarity, but it still doesn't excuse how leftism's led to this sad state over many years.

Update: Joel Pollak reports more evidence has been published of Hamas atrocities, but be warned that it's extremely graphic.

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