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Sunday, December 10, 2023 

South Africa republic continues to make itself look awful when it comes to Israel

The South Africa Republic's government cancelled a Hanuka celebration and even supported Hamas (Hat tip: Breitbart):
South African Jewry is outraged by the visit to the country of a senior Hamas delegation to participate in the Fifth Global Convention of Solidarity with Palestine. This comes just weeks after Israel suffered on 7 October the gravest act of mass murder, including inhumane torture of Jews, since the Holocaust at the hands of this internationally designated terrorist organisation.

Still reeling in the aftermath of the brutal pre-dawn unprovoked attack in which 1 200 civilians were slaughtered, raped, maimed, and burned, and 240 people including babies, children, women, and the elderly were taken hostage into Gaza, the community has been angered by pictures on social media of Hamas delegates being warmly welcomed and embraced by representatives of political parties including the ruling African National Congress (ANC), the Anglican Church, civil society groups, and the Palestine solidarity movement.

[...] The Hamas delegation also met with high-level members of the ANC including Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula, Nomvula Mokonyane, as well as members of the Communist Party at Luthuli House. At a press conference held on Wednesday, 6 December, Mbalula further pledged the ANC’s support and solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Well this is utterly disgusting, and makes them a country I'd rather not visit. How much longer do they intend to keep this up? The South Africa Republic's government is definitely leading themselves to ruin by allowing commies to operate there, and no shock they'd be willing to associate with Hamas as well. One of the most offensive displays of lacking responsibility to be seen around the world.

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