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Sunday, December 31, 2023 

Former French general uses victim-blaming tactics

A former French general demonstrates perfectly how so many women in Europe fell victim to Muslim rapists:
General Michel Olhagaray, who served in the past, among other things, as the commander of the naval school in the French Navy, caused an uproar after he claimed during an interview that the party near Kibbutz Re'im, which was attacked by Hamas on October 7, was a provocation.

During a discussion on French channel LCI which dealt with the kidnapping of Israeli-French citizen Mia Schem from the party, the general claimed that "going to dance a few kilometers away [from the Gaza border] is a provocation."

Users on X from France criticized the general, with one of them writing, "Yes... it's normal, they were Jews, so we can rape, kidnap, dismember and kill without punishment. This shows that a good soldier is not a good commentator."

Another user wrote, "While a French hostage is telling the story of her captivity, he calls going dancing a few kilometers from Gaza a 'provocation'. This is the same person who will explain to you after rape that the skirt is too short."

Yet another user the channel and wrote: "Get this vile character off the set. His statement about Mia is sickening and outrageous. This ‘star’, with his dirty words, almost gives approval to Hamas for murdering the young people at the rave because, he claims, they were provocative against Gaza."
This explains how horrific incidents like these can occur too. It strongly suggests such people as the general in question are open to shariah becoming dominant in Europe along with Israel.

It's bad enough if Haredi extremists make statements like those. But when somebody in as prominent a position as Olhagarey does it, that makes everything far worse. Such a man does not belong in his job.

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