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Wednesday, December 27, 2023 

Right-wing Israeli MKs demand an end to blood libels against "settlers"

Some right-wing Knesset members are demanding that a most notorious blood libel of modern times be stopped:
Following the campaign in Israel, Europe, and the US to condemn “settler violence” during the months of Operation Iron Swords, right-wing MKs are demanding to hold a debate on the subject and compel IDF representatives to reveal the sources of data that were published recently and apply a very broad brush to include many disparate events in the same category.

For example, graffiti by Jewish settlers and Arab attempts to lynch Jews are included under the same heading of “serious attacks.” Events are often recorded from a point well into their progression, without a clear depiction of whether the incident was initiated by Jews or Arabs, or whether the Jews acted in self-defense.

In general, law enforcement officials tend to create symmetry in the violence perpetrated by Arabs and Jews, when in reality there is no equality in the number of terrorist incidents, and who initiates the first blow. To get those “equal” figures, the record keepers classify graffiti by Jews as violence, while the only recorded violent incidents perpetrated by Arabs are those with physical victims.

The most serious problem in this area stems from contradictory information that’s being provided by different law enforcement agencies. The Israel Police has been consistently showing a dramatic drop of more than 50% in nationalist crime by Jewish settlers, but the Shin Bet and the IDF are offering vastly different statistics, and none of these agencies makes an attempt to compare and synchronize the data.

[...] MKs Amit Halevi (Likud), Limor Sonn Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit), Hanoch Milwidsky (Likud), Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism), Boaz Bismuth (Likud), Nissim Vaturi (Likud), and Israel Eichler (UTJ), recently issued a statement saying, “It has been published that there is an internal IDF document describing 201 incidents of nationalistic crimes by Jews in Judea and Samaria. This document, if it exists, serves the campaign depicting settler violence which is promoted by elements in Israel and around the world.”

[...] “Left-wing anti-Israel organizations are operating in the information vacuum that was created by the State of Israel, spreading false information and fostering an antisemitic campaign about ‘settler violence,’ which is intended to delegitimize the defense operations of the IDF in Judea and Samaria and in general,” said Deutch.
This kind of propaganda has definitely got to cease, and everything must be done to counter it. It's practically a form of moral equivalence, which itself is a very dangerous form of propaganda, seemingly intended to blur distinctions between good and evil, yet in many cases, it only ends up villifying Israel, to use but an example of how moral equivalence is only a hurtful concept.

On a related note, Joel Pollak has something to consider about how university antisemitism became so bad:
2. Institutional bias. Many elite universities were steeped in antisemitic prejudice through the early twentieth centuries. That bigotry disappeared in the postwar era. But in the last few decades, Middle East Studies departments emerged, and most were dominated by radical scholars in the mould of Edward Said, the Palestinian intellectual whose Orientalism defined post-colonial studies. Arab regimes donated money to these departments, and to Islamic Studies; Israel made no similar investments abroad.
See, this is a most stunning weakness that's been going on for ages. Only so many conservatives, in example, trashed and threw away golden opportunities to improve situations by investing in movies and music, among other things, allowing the left to almost completely monopolize only so mamy mediums at conservatives' expense. There are some right-wingers today who're trying to change that. But for all we know, it may be too late.

Either way, even here in Israel, right-wingers are going to have to start doing what Jeremy Boering and Ben Shapiro are doing, forming their own moviemaking studios and other alternatives to the leftist dominated entertainment industry, and stop acting like being religious literally dictates otherwise. That kind of absurd view is the reason why Israel made no investments in overseas universities either.

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