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Thursday, December 21, 2023 

Pro-Hamas supporters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial

The sick supporters of Hamas have gone so far as to vandalize the Lincoln Memorial with repulsive graffiti:
The National Park Service is working to clean the steps of the Lincoln Memorial after vandals splattered red paint on the ground and scrawled the words ‘Free Gaza’ in several places Wednesday morning. [...]

In September 2022, the Washington Monument was defaced with paint and vulgar messages. In June 2020, National Park Service crews cleaned graffiti from monuments and memorials around the D.C. region after they were vandalized by protesters.
So this isn't the first time it's happened, and one must wonder: what's with security around these national monuments? Don't they have any proper camera equipment to monitor the sites? Now, even national monuments and memorials in the USA aren't safe.

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