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Monday, December 18, 2023 

Minnesota changes state flag to a design similar to Somalia's

Via the American Thinker, we get news that the Democrat-run enclave of Minnesota is changing their state flag to something bearing shades of color similar to the flag of Somalia, which is Muslim-majority, along with a star resembling what the latter's also has, and has a green stripe reminiscent of what can be seen on the flags of some Muslim countries going alongside the blue. The leftist AP Wire recently told why the shift:
A state commission went to work Tuesday on designing a new state flag and seal for Minnesota to replace a current emblem in both that’s considered offensive to Native Americans.

One of the main elements of Minnesota’s state flag includes a prominent state seal against a blue background. The seal depicts a Native American riding off into the sunset while a white settler plows his field with his rifle leaning on a nearby stump. The imagery suggests to many that the Indigenous people were defeated and going away, while whites won and were staying.
Yet when Muslims come and stay, replacing even north American Indians, that's okay? This is such humiliation, and makes clear the state's imposition of LGBT ideology was just another starting tactic for damaging stability, since it's clear it was all to subsequently prepare the grounds for Islam to take over after the LGBT ideologues had done their dirty work. Now, as the new flag design hints, they're taking steps for setting the Religion of Peace's takeover of the state into place.

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