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Friday, December 15, 2023 

IDF undermines war against Islamic terror by penalizing soldiers who did Hanuka prayer through mosque loudspeaker

The IDF's made a lot of accomplishments lately in dealing with Islamic terrorism after the Hamas' bloodbath on October 7. But what the Israeli army's doing here does not help matters:
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Thursday that it had suspended several soldiers who were seen in a widely-shared video singing Hanukkah songs through the loudspeaker of a minaret on a mosque during a counter-terror operation in Jenin.

Jenin, a Palestinian Authority-controlled city in the West Bank known as a hotbed for violent terrorism, has been the target of an IDF operation lasting for two and-a-half days.

[...] In his evening briefing, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said (via IDF translation):

I wish to address the unusual footage published today from the Jenin mosque. IDF soldiers are required to act professionally in accordance with the spirit of the IDF and its values. This is how the overwhelming majority of soldiers act; we will not compromise the IDF’s conduct. Anyone who does not conduct themselves according to IDF values will face corresponding measures.

The soldiers involved were suspended. Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi also denounced the soldiers’ behavior, according to the Times of Israel, and told the IDF to remind soldiers “that they must not harm the religious sentiments of the adherents of other faiths.”
So they're going soft on the very Religion of Peace that indoctrinated all Islamofascists who took part in the bloodbath to commit heinous crimes. That's simply unacceptable, and the IDF owes the soldiers an apology for resorting to the very same PC narrative many others have made the mistake of committing.

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