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Saturday, December 16, 2023 

Hamas fired rockets at Jerusalem, one of which aimed at Al-Aqsa mosque

It turns out the Hamas has no qualms about endangering even the supposedly 3rd holiest site for Islam, the al-Aqsa mosque that was built in past centuries over the site where the Jerusalem Temple was built in the Old City. As Breitbart reports:
The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas fired rockets toward Jerusalem on Friday evening, as both Jews and Muslims were participating in prayers, endangering the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The rockets were intercepted and disabled by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, whose trails could be seen across the evening sky.

[...] One Hamas rocket reached the Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah, landing near a hospital, the Times of Israel reported.
The Hamas will doubtless blame it all on Israel anyway, and so too will the PLO. But it does make clear that for them, it's entirely acceptable to sacrifice fellow Islamists if that's what it takes to destroy Israel.

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