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Thursday, December 21, 2023 

The MeToo movement refuses to support Israeli victims of Islamic sexual violence

Rafael Medoff addressed the double-standard the MeToo movement's had when it comes to sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7 against Israeli women, which the MeToo movement was only willing to address a month afterwards:
Why is the #MeToo movement refusing to condemn Hamas for its mass rape and sexual mutilation of Israeli women?

When #MeToo International emerged in 2017, its purpose was to provide a voice for victims of sexual violence and a vehicle to protest their attackers and enablers. All victims – not just members of particular nationalities or ethnic groups. And all attackers – regardless of their political affiliations or agendas. If, for example, Palestinian Arab terrorists rape Israeli women, even those who support the Palestinian Arab cause should be willing to speak out against them. But that's not what happened.

From literally the day after the Hamas attack, there was credible eyewitness testimony of sexual assaults
. The widely respected online Jewish magazine Tablet published a report about it on October 8, authored by one of its most seasoned contributors, Liel Leibovitz.

"I've spent the last 12 hours speaking to Israelis who were at the Supernova music festival [where hundreds were massacred]," Leibovitz began.

He quoted a survivor saying, "Women have been raped at the area of the rave next to their friends' bodies, dead bodies." He noted that "several of these rape victims appear to have been later executed," while "others were taken to Gaza." Another survivor described seeing the corpses of "young women, lying cold and mutilated." Leibovitz also pointed out: "In photographs released online, you can see several paraded through the city's streets, blood gushing from between their legs."

In the days and weeks to follow, there were additional published accounts by survivors who witnessed Hamas terrorists sexually assaulting Jewish women. There were "trophy videos" that the terrorists themselves circulated on social media. There were Israeli coroners who reported finding women victims with shattered pelvises and other evidence of sexual mutilation.

In other words, there was more than enough of a basis for the #MeToo movement to say something.

Yet for some reason, it took #MeToo International until November 13 to issue any kind of statement about the mass sexual violence against Israeli women that took place five weeks earlier

If the reason for the delay was bureaucratic inertia, that speaks poorly of a movement that should be prepared to respond promptly, given the urgent and often time-sensitive nature of the issues it addresses. If the reason has to do with the fact that the victims were Israeli Jews, that is far more disturbing.

The #MeToo movement's brief November 13 statement – just 335 words in total – was outrageously inadequate. The identity of the victims – Jewish Israelis – was not mentioned. The identity of the perpetrators – Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists – was not mentioned. Incredibly, the main focus of the statement from the international movement against sexual violence was not Hamas's sexual violence against Israelis, but rather the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
It just underscores how the MeToo movement was never really set up for altruistic reasons, and ultimately, the whole movement is run by bigoted people, who've never even addressed cases of Muslims committing sexual violence in Europe. This is exactly why MeToo simply has no reason for being, and nobody should rely on or bankroll their movement.

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