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Saturday, January 06, 2024 

2 Mohammeds raped woman in Brooklyn

A horrifying case of Islamic sexual violence occurred at a business in Brooklyn, with the worst part being that the Islamofascists were armed with a knife:
A 25-year-old man accused of wielding a knife while his accomplice allegedly raped a female worker inside a Brooklyn business nearly two weeks ago has been arrested in connection to the horrifying crime, cops said.

Mohammed Alwi, 25, of Canarsie, was nabbed Wednesday in connection to the attack on a 49-year-old woman around 6 p.m. Dec. 23 inside an unnamed business near 9th Avenue and 59th Street in Borough Park, authorities said.

While Alwi’s partner-in-crime Mohammed Izzeddin, 22, sexually assaulted the worker, Alwi displayed a knife to keep two other people inside the business “under control,” police said.

He was charged with rape, robbery, sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment, forcible touching, menacing, assault and harassment, authorities said.

His arraignment was pending Thursday afternoon.

The traumatized victim told PIX 11 days after the attack that she hasn’t been able to sleep since the startling crime.

“I had not rested for 24 hours — not at all, on any day since because I could not calm down, and now I am slowly adjusting. I think I may see a psychiatrist next,” the woman told the network.
The mother of one of the culprits came from Syria. And now, what was seen in places like Europe is taking place on USA soil, and is sure to get far worse soon enough. As Front Page notes:
As the Koran states in Sura 4:24 states, “And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands.” That applies to captured Israelis and Chinese workers.
There was also a terrible incident on New Year's Eve where a 3rd Mohammed ran over pedestrians and 2 police officials. The disastrous way NYC is run under Democrats these days has enabled these horrific crimes to occur.

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