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Thursday, May 16, 2024 

Muslim who murdered Paul Kessler in LA will stand trial

The California court overseeing the case of a Muslim professor who murdered a Jewish man by hitting him with a megaphone has ruled the defendant will stand trial:
The anti-Israel protester who caused the death of an elderly Jewish man by striking him in the head with a megaphone will stand trial, a judge ruled yesterday (Wednesday).

Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji, 5i, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and battery causing serious bodily injury for striking 69-year-old Paul Kessler in Los Angeles on November 5, resulting in his death.

Kessler fell back and hit his head after Alnaji struck him, resulting in fatal injuries

Superior Court Judge Ryan Wright ruled that there was enough evidence for Alnaji to stand trial.
Well let's hope he receives a serious sentence. This is very grave, has only added to much of the physical/moral damage that's affected much of the world as the result of irresponsibility when it comes to the Religion of Peace that's gone on for decades, and now, justice must be done.

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