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Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

Lefties still dominate academic law and journalism

David Horowitz and Joseph Light present research (in PDF format) on how leftists are still dominating academic law and journalism, trying to train students of the professions solely to adhere to their ideologies. As Moonbat Central says:
Leftwing professors are systematically brainwashing young lawyers and journalists, encouraging them to ply their trade in the fashion of a Hillary Clinton or a Dan Rather instead of a John Adams or a Benjamin Franklin. This is the sad conclusion of a new study by David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC). The survey confirms what most of us long suspected — that leftist ideologues dominate the faculties of American law schools and journalism schools by an overwhelming margin.

The study found that most law and journalism professors at elite schools identify themselves as Democrats. This finding has special significance in today’s polarized environment, in which Democrats have evolved into a full-fledged party of the left in the European mode. Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean recently told NBC’s Tim Russert that he sees little substantive difference between a "liberal Democrat" and a "Democratic socialist." In such times as these, registering for the Democratic Party plainly implies opposition to mainstream American culture, values and tradition.
It reminds me of an almost similar argument Michael Medved once made about Hollywood in the early 90s, that they were showing pure contempt for the better values of America, as recent box office receipts have begun to indicate.

For now, the best options surrounding the ability to get a good education in law and journalism are to try and turn to universities and colleges where the representatives have the respect for the better values of both law and reporting needed to make the professions really work well.

Also available at Basil's Blog, The Mudville Gazette, California Conservative, Outside the Beltway, Jo's Cafe, Cao's Blog, Bright and Early, The Jawa Report.


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