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Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

More Trojan horses in the Likud?

It may not be just Shaul Mofaz who could be a Trojan horse, as was asked last week in Makor Rishon. As this report discusses, even some members of the Likud's central committee could be too, and may be working to try and prevent Benjamin Netanyahu from being elected:
Ariel Sharon, former general and master tactician, who broke away from the Likud to form his own party, Kadima, may have left behind hundreds of supporters who remain loyal to his cause.

These supporters, making up an army of potential Trojan horses, may severely affect the Likud’s ability to maintain political independence from the party’s former leader and founder.

Sharon’s supporters, for example, still comprise a substantial proportion of the Likud’s governing body, the Central Committee. That committee can influence the format of the party’s Knesset list, including the position of each individual candidate, and ultimately whether that candidate gets elected.

While the prime minister’s supporters may have a moral duty to follow his footsteps and leave the party he abandoned, such a move has yet to occur. They also have the option of timing their move to the benefit of Kadima’s party interests.

Some Likud members are worried that Sharon’s supporters will attempt to fashion a list of party candidates that will appear unattractive to potential Likud voters. Another possibility is that Sharon’s backers will attempt to form a list favorable to joining a coalition led by Sharon’s new party, Kadima.
Good that they spoke about this. It's important to know in advance about the possibility of election fraud, something that all concerned should make sure to be on the lookout for. That Sharon might be willing to try something like this really doesn't surprise me.


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