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Saturday, December 09, 2006 

A street named for a cop murderer: OBSCENE

It is simply disgusting that some French leftists want to appease Muslims in St. Denis by naming a street after Mumia abu Jamal, who murdered Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner 25 years ago. This first happened in May. It wouldn't surprise me if even Jaques Chirac, a neo-Vichyite himself, approved of this latest effort to stain and demonize his country.

Fortunately, the House has now passed a resolution denouncing the act (via Michelle Malkin):
WASHINGTON -- The House passed a resolution Wednesday denouncing a French city for naming a street in honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was sentenced to death for shooting a Philadelphia police officer 25 years ago this month.

"We must stand together as one and send a strong message to the world that cop-killers deserve to be punished, not to be celebrated," said Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, a Philadelphia-area congressman who authored the resolution.

The vote came a few days shy of the 25th anniversary of the shooting of Daniel Faulkner, a 25-year-old officer shot after he pulled over Abu-Jamal's brother on Dec. 9, 1981. Abu-Jamal, a one-time radio reporter and former Black Panther, was convicted in 1982 and sentenced to death.

Abu-Jamal's writings and taped speeches on the justice system have made him a cause celebre among Hollywood activists, foreign politicians and some death-penalty opponents who believe he was the victim of a racist justice system.

In December 2001, a federal judge overturned Abu-Jamal's death sentence but upheld his conviction. Both sides have appealed that ruling, and Abu-Jamal remains on death row in western Pennsylvania. Last year, the 3rd U.S. Circuit of Appeals agreed to consider Abu-Jamal's appeal of his conviction.

In April, a street in St. Denis, a suburb in France just north of Paris, was named after Abu-Jamal.

The resolution asks the French government to step in to change the street name if St. Denis opted not to. The measure passed 368-31, with eight members voting present.

The vote was symbolic since the Senate is not expected to take up the measure before Congress adjourns this week.
That's a real shame that abu Jamal's death sentence was overturned. He deserves to go to hell for his crime.

Visit Justice for Daniel Faulkner for more on the case. Michael Smerconish has a preview of a book by Faulkner's widow, Maureen, about her hellish experience and fight to get justice for her murdered husband.

There are memorials being held this week (also via Michelle). And Hot Air also has a podcast about this.

Others on the subject include Riehl World View, Fullosseous Flap, Cao's Blog, Latest Worlds News, Dave Lucas.

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