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Thursday, October 03, 2013 

Perverts tried to profit from letter written by Nidal Hasan

A disgusting scandal involving a letter written by the Ft. Hood jihadist came up:
Sparked by the recent online sale of a letter signed by Fort Hood, Texas, shooter Nidal Hasan, a U.S. senator from Texas has proposed a law against selling items linked to famous killers, dubbed “murderabilia.”

A prison letter from Hasan to a criminology student recently sold for $2,000 on darkvomit.com, a self-described gallery of macabre and outsider art.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, introduced a bill Sept. 19 to block high-profile criminals from profiting from the sale of artwork, letters and other memorabilia by serial killers, mass murderers and others convicted of heinous crimes.

“Every day, the family members of victims are forced to re-live their tragedies as prisoners attempt to make a profit off of the notoriety of their case by selling these items on gruesome web sites,” Cornyn said in a statement.

The idea of Cornyn’s bill is to stop a criminal from being able to mail an item with the intention that someone, somewhere makes a profit — not necessarily just the prisoner himself, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
What kind of crackpot would dare to make blood money off of an abomination written by a murderer? Such items are for criminology research, not for profiteering. It's bad enough that the government turned its back on Hasan's victims. We don't need felons making money selling to other people who could be very vicious in turn.

Update: in related disgusting news, it turns out that Hasan gave his wages away to "charity":
Nidal Hasan collected nearly $300,000 in his military salary while awaiting trial for the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, but his attorney said nearly all of it has been given to charity — likely making it impossible for his victims to get any of it.

An Army spokesman said the military can’t get back the money because Hasan, like any other service member charged with a crime, continued to receive his military salary until he was convicted last month.

“The great bulk of his income has been donated to charity,” said John Galligan, Hasan’s civil attorney. Galligan wouldn’t disclose any information about the charities or proof that donations had been made. “There’s really virtually no money in any bank that I’m aware of,” Galligan said. “There’s really no property holdings.”

[...] Reed Rubinstein, an attorney helping victims sue the government, said he was exploring ways to get any money or assets he could out of Hasan. But he acknowledged that those efforts might not succeed.

“We have no way of knowing what he did with that money,” Rubinstein said. “It’s quite possible and likely that the money is long gone.”
I wouldn't be surprised if it went to Islamic institutions, who don't deserve it. This illustrated perfectly how vile a creature Hasan really is.

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