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Thursday, July 05, 2018 

French government wants to impose law against "fake news"

And with somebody as pretentious as Emmanuel Macron in charge, you know this is as bad as it gets if allowed to pass:
The French National Assembly passed two bills this week concerning the censorship of “fake news” that have been sharply criticized as an attack on freedom of the press and the imposition of an “official truth.”

The two controversial bills—which now pass to the senate for approval—address the “manipulation of information” in the three months prior to national elections and referendums, granting sweeping powers of censorship to the judiciary branch of government. The bills respond to proposals by French President Emmanuel Macron earlier this year for legislative intervention to prevent the spread of “fake news” on social media during elections.

[...] Acrimonious parliamentary debates over the last month have highlighted the difficulty of arriving at a common definition of “fake news” as well as the thorny question of who should have final decision-making power to judge whether a given story is fake news or not.

The first bill passed with 52 votes against 22 and the second similarly passed with a vote of 54 to 21.

According to Le Monde, critics of the bills within the Assembly said the text was at best “unenforceable” and “ineffective,” given the speed at which information travels on social networks, and at worst “dangerous for freedom of expression.”
If this is allowed to stand - courtesy of a parliament where Macron's own party is now the majority - it'll only make things truly awful for France as can be expected.

At the same time though, it should be noted that there's a certain hypocrisy if the local mainstream press is allegedly protesting such a law, given there's so much they already refuse to report on and have a long history of covering up, like Islamofascism in their midst. So if they're supposedly outraged at this, something surely reeks of phoniness here, though in any event, they brought this upon themselves by siding at all costs with Macron during the election.

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If the French people want to avoid fake news,
then they must avoid reading the New York Times
coverage of Israel and the Middle East,
because New York Times coverage of Israel
and the Middle East is fake news.

New York Times Erases Israel from Map:




How to Convict the New York Times
of Unfair Bias Against Israel:


I never get tired of attacking The New York Times
because The New York Times never gets tired of
attacking the Jewish State and the Jewish People
and the Jewish Faith.


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