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Thursday, February 23, 2023 

Jordanian antisemites destroy rabbi's teffillin

In a sad example of how Muslim antisemitism is still very prevalent in Jordan, some airport guards vandalized a rabbi's teffillin:
Security guards at a Jordanian airport desecrated a rabbi’s tefillin (phylacteries) during a security check before he boarded a plane.

Rabbi Moshe Haliwa, chief rabbi of the Jewish community in Dubai, was waiting to board a connecting flight to Abu Dhabi during a layover at Amman’s Queen Alia International Airport when security officials seized the rabbi’s tefillin.

According to a report by Yediot Aharanoth, the security officials seized Rabbi Haliwa’s tefillin after he disembarked following his flight from Israel.
If the "peace treaty" with Jordan ever falls apart, some could reasonably wonder if that'll be a bad thing, considering Jordan's Islamists haven't abandoned their antisemitism any more than anything else bad about it.

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