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Tuesday, February 27, 2024 

The Islamists are now in charge of Britain

Robert Spencer (via Pamela Geller) makes a vital point that Islamofascists are now in charge of the UK:
Former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman sounded an ominous warning on Friday: “The Islamists, the extremists and the anti-Semites are in charge now.” This was politicians’ hyperbole, and couldn’t possibly be true, could it? Unfortunately, every day brings new confirmation of the fact that truer words have seldom been spoken.

Braverman made her chilling statement after events on Wednesday in London, when members of the British Parliament debated motions calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. A vote for a ceasefire is really a vote for Hamas, for if Israel stopped fighting, Hamas would escape annihilation and survive to murder more Israeli civilians on another day. As the debates went on, pro-Hamas protesters projected the phrase “From the River to the Sea,” which is a veiled call for the total destruction of Israel, something that would almost certainly involve a new genocide of the Jews, onto Big Ben. This was widely seen as a veiled threat to the members of parliament, and with very good reason.

Konstantin Kisin noted in The Free Press on Friday that the parliamentarians certainly felt threatened. Their fears led to a change in the established rules of the Parliament, so that members of the leftist Labour party could escape having to vote for an anti-Israel measure that even many of them thought was too extreme, or voting against it and risking the wrath of the Muslim protesters outside the parliament building.

Nor was this the first time that members of the British parliament have faced threats from Muslims who were inclined to violence. It was only a few weeks ago, Kisin points out, that Conservative MP Mike Freer, “who represents a constituency with a significant Jewish population, announced that he would not be seeking reelection because of threats to him and his family over his support for Israel.” On Oct. 15, 2021, “another Conservative MP, Sir David Amess, was stabbed to death by an Islamist at such a meeting. In 2017, an Islamist terrorist mowed down pedestrians before stabbing an unarmed police officer to death outside the gates of Parliament.”
But of course, even these same politicians and authorities themselves made no serious effort to exile the Islamofascists from Britain, let alone any other kind of law enforcement, so what do they expect? Illegal immigration's kept going and going for years without interruption, and they're surprised? Lest we forget the Rotherham rape scandal is another result of their leniency, and authorities in that case threw only so many victims under the bus, something which has also been happening in mainland European countires like France, Italy, Germany and Belgium.

So it's not a shock at all that it could wind up in a situation where Islamofascists dominate any and every country they infest. Failure to enforce laws and keep bad ideologies out of civilized countries is what leads to the situation the UK is facing now.

Update: Bruce Bawer also notes how the UK's continuing its journey to the abyss.

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