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Monday, November 14, 2005 

For Muslims, it's only terrorism when their own brethren are attacked?

The Guns and Butter Blog points out a most interesting thing I hadn't quite thought of before about the suicide bombing that took place in Jordan a few days ago, that being - when does an act of savagery like what Zarqawi's gang committed count in even the Jordanians' viewpoint as terrorism? Well, I think that the following excerpt from the UK Telegraph article should help explain yet another thing about the Muslim psyche even within Jordan, which was said by Moussa Rashid Khalayleh, one of Zarqawi's very own relatives:
"I am not ashamed of what his group is doing fighting the US occupation of Iraq, but killing civilians, killing Muslims here in Jordan is shaming."
Uh oh, UH OH. Seems that only when such savagery is being committed against one's own fellow Sunni Muslims, and then, not even that much, is it considered terrorism. More specifically though, Khalayleh is lying, because after all, in Iraq too, Zarqawi's gang murdered thousands of Muslim civilians, albeit most of them were Shiites, not Sunnis. So don't let Khalayleh fool you with even that kind of double-talk.

Update: Dennis Prager's got a very good column up now at Town Hall that nails the situation perfectly.

Also available at Basil's Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, bRight and Early, Euphoric Reality, Outside the Beltway.


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