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Wednesday, November 09, 2005 

Oldest church remains found near Armageddon

News Australia (via One Jerusalem) reports on the amazing discovery of what may be the oldest church remains, underneath Megiddo prison, of all places:
IN a maximum-security jail just down the road from Armageddon, Israeli archaeologists have unearthed what they believe is the oldest church discovered in the land where Jesus was born.
"This is one of the most important finds of early Christianity," archaeologist Yardena Alexandre of the Israel Antiquities told journalists on a tour of the excavation.

Remains of the church, which archaeologists date to the mid-third to early-fourth century, were found during a dig for possible artefacts before the planned construction of a new prison wing.

The ruins of the church include a mosaic tile floor with inscriptions in ancient Greek containing a reference to "The God Jesus Christ" and could shed light on early Christian practices.
Most interesting about this discovery near Armageddon, as One Jerusalem points out, is that:
For many people in the world it appears that we are leading up to the final confrontation between good and evil. This archeological find seems to fit into that scenario.
Given the crises the world is facing now with Islamic terrorism on the rise, I must say, that is a most interesting theory indeed. And only time will tell what'll be the outcome.

Here's also an article on the subject from Israel Insider.

Update: Here's also another article on archaeology from Israel Insider, in which a scholar discusses studies on how the Israelites knew how to read 3000 years ago.

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