Isolated under Islam
Now that the so-called father has been stripped of his parental rights, I hope they'll be able to achieve the open life they really deserve.
Also available at Basil's Blog, Bloggin' Out Loud, Jo's Cafe, Point Five.
Update: In the Jerusalem Post, Dan Pipes has written an interesting report on the hatemongering education tactics being employed within Muslim schools in North America:
Los Angeles: The Omar Ibn Khattab Foundation donated 300 copies of the Koran (titled The Meaning of the Holy Quran) to the city school district in 2001 that had to be pulled from school libraries within months because of its anti-Semitic commentaries. One footnote reads: "The Jews in their arrogance claimed that all wisdom and all knowledge of Allah was enclosed in their hearts... Their claim was not only arrogance but blasphemy."This is simply sickening beyond belief. If this kind of approach to an education is not changed asap, there is no chance for friendly relations between Jews and Arabs, and come to think of it, between Americans and Arabs either. Now there's something to think about.
Labels: anti-semitism, France, islam, misogyny, United States