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Wednesday, November 01, 2006 

Scary John Kerry strikes again

John Kerry, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004, may end up costing his Democrat party a lot as a result of his attack on US troops. During a speech to a student conference, he said that if you don't study well, you end up in places like Iraq. In other words, he implied that soldiers serving in Iraq are dummies or college dropouts or some other horrible analogy. Michelle Malkin's got her answer to this now on Hot Air. (Plus, some more news on leftists apologizing for Kerry here). And I agree on this: what's so dangerous about Jerry Falwell that isn't so dangerous about bin Laden, as some ultra-leftists seem to think?

Kerry so far refuses to apologize. But if he does, then the best way he can so is to resign, period.

Update: Kerry may have apologized, but the Indepundit isn't buying it. Come to think of it, neither do I.

Open trackbacks: The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, Is it Just Me, Mark My Words, NIF. Others rightfully angry at Kerry include The Wide Awake Cafe, Euphoric Reality, The Political Pitt Bull, Jihadi du Jour, Iowa Voice, 186k Per Second, Sensible Mom, The Strata-Sphere, Freeman Hunt, Ray Robison, SusiePie, Ace of Spades HQ, Stunt Shack, Stop the ACLU, Coalition of the Swilling, Pillage Idiot, YankeeMom, The American Mind, Texas Rainmaker, Sacramento Republicrat, Wizbang, Toadpond, Brain Shavings, Release the Hounds, Bookworm Room, Mensa Barbie, Chez Diva, The Real Ugly American, Mike's Noise, Cathouse Chat, Alarming News, Leaning Straight Up, Palm Tree Pundit, BizzyBlog, Betsy's Page, The Yelling Box, Ed Driscoll, Wake Up America, Fullosseous Flap, Inoperable Terran.

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