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Friday, December 14, 2018 

Natalie Portman explains why her resume was undeserved

Actress Portman, who was born in Israel, turns traitor again by attacking the recent Israeli nation-state law in an Arabic-language paper:
After the passage of the law in July, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained the significance, noting that “the State of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, with full equal rights for all of its citizens. This is the meaning of the words ‘a Jewish and democratic state.’”

However, Portman, who has previously attacked Netanyahu publicly, slammed the law as “racist” and a “mistake” with which she did not agree, in an interview with London-based al-Quds al-Arabi published Thursday.

“I just hope I can be a part of the change of this thing, and that we can really love our neighbors and work together for our neighbors and with them,” she added to the paper. Portman does not hold permanent residence in Israel.

The Jerusalem-born Portman, who has said she is proud of her Israeli origins, sparked controversy in April when she boycotted an event in Israel in which she was to be given an award. Her excuses for not attending evolved, with her representatives first citing “events in Gaza” and then Portman saying she didn’t “want to appear as endorsing Benjamin Netanyahu.”
Now isn't that interesting? She was practically born in the famous ancient city, yet she's got no permanent residency status or citizenship? That doesn't sound like somebody very proud of their background at all. If she won't maintain citizenship, it sounds more like she's abandoned her roots and pride, no matter what she says.

Here's more on Breitbart:
Speaking to the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi , as translated by Haaretz, the Oscar-winner hit out at legislation that passed with majority support in the Knesset.

“It is a mistake and I don’t agree with it … [people’s] lives are [being] affected on a personal level by decisions made by politicians,” she added. “I only hope that we will be able to truly love our neighbours and that we can work together.”
It sounds more like she doesn't believe in loyalty to the state. Oh well, now that I think of it, there's little in her resume of films I care to watch. Her willingness to give ammunition to the enemy is telling and shameful.

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