Dearbornistan's mayor wants no mention of Henry Ford's antisemitism
Dearborn was also the hometown of Henry Ford, the auto industrialist whose factories attracted Arab immigrants to Dearborn in the 1920s. “Palestinian Muslims arrived in the second decade of the 20th century, attracted by the prospect of work on the assembly lines that produced Ford’s revolutionary Model ‘T’,” according to a report in the National. While Ford was heralding the arrival of Arab immigrants to this country to work in his factory, he was also widely spreading his virulent anti-Semitic blood libel.And this is why I can't bring myself to buy Ford products (or even the now defunct Mercury brand), and consider it a disgrace the Lincoln luxury brand was bought and owned by them early on. Ford may be long gone, but the grisly legacy he formed continues, as does the devil worship he spawned with his influence.
However, the mayor of Dearborn today, John B. O’Reilly, Jr. (pictured above), wants to sugarcoat the unpleasant part of Ford’s biography dealing with his many anti-Semitic writings and pronouncements. Mayor O’Reilly decided to ban the distribution of a city-financed historical journal containing an unflattering article about Henry Ford’s record of anti-Semitism that the mayor deemed to be too much of a "distraction" for Dearborn’s “diverse” population. He also severed the city’s ties with the editor of the publication and long-time Dearborn resident, Bill McGraw, who had written the article to educate Dearborn residents today regarding their hometown hero Ford’s “dark sides.”
Mr. McGraw’s article ran afoul of the mayor’s politically correct speech code. “It was thought that by presenting information from 100 years ago that included hateful messages — without a compelling reason directly linked to events in Dearborn today — this edition of The Historian could become a distraction from our continuing messages of inclusion and respect,” Mayor O’Reilly said in a statement issued last Friday. Although Mr. McGraw’s article can still be read online, Mayor O’Reilly’s moves to block the distribution of Mr. McGraw’s article and to sever the city’s ties with him were punitive acts that most likely violated the First Amendment.
The mayor claimed that Ford’s anti-Semitic views were old news, no longer relevant to today’s "diverse" Dearborn population. The exact opposite is true. Ford’s writings are just as popular with some white nationalist extremists today as when they inspired Adolf Hitler. Ford’s writings also appeal to Jew-hating Islamists. His hate speech against the Jews’ aspirations for a state of their own in the Holy Land has a sympathetic audience amongst Dearborn’s current Arab-American and Muslim population.
It is time for Mayor O’Reilly to eat some crow again. He should either reverse his decision regarding Bill McGraw’s article on Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism and reinstate Mr. McGraw, as officials with the Dearborn Historical Commission have urged, or he should resign his office. Henry Ford’s brand of anti-Semitism has no expiration date. To deliberately whitewash Ford's anti-Semitic history is to say that exposing anti-Semitism no longer matters. But it does matter more than ever, including most especially in Dearborn.And a good way to protest, depending how Ford motors handles its business today, is to boycott their products. I never found Mustangs very appealing anyway; they always seemed so dull in comparison to Chevy Corvettes and Dodge Vipers.
Labels: anti-americanism, anti-semitism, CAIR corruption, dhimmitude, Europe, germany, islam, michigan, Moonbattery, political corruption, terrorism, United States
The America that I used to know and love,
where free speech and truth were primary values,
seems to be rapidly vanishing and being
replaced by an America filled with censorship
and Politically Correct but false narratives.
This evil transformation is being driven by
the political Far-Left, which is the most
recent reincarnation of the former Soviet Union
(USSR), where Jews were sent to Siberia
for studying the Hebrew language and
thrown into jail for possessing Jewish calendars.
Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
2/08/2019 08:21:00 AM