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Tuesday, February 15, 2022 

Health ministry bans conversion therapy, just so they can keep up their cult of LGBT ideology

The leftists now in charge of the health ministry decided to bar conversion therapy for homosexuality, in a classic case of "because I said so":
The Health Ministry issued a circular on Monday morning banning medical professionals in Israel from providing conversion therapy.

The circular stresses the risks to mental health posed by conversion therapy and prohibits all professionals from the offering, publicizing, or providing such "therapies." Licensed professionals who do so will face sanctions, including severe disciplinary proceedings and the revocation of their licenses.

While the Health Ministry has advised against conversion therapy for years, no formal prohibition had been issued against the practice until now. Psychologists in Israel can already be punished with a disciplinary offense for providing conversion therapy.
This also happened when the Likud was running the government, and some could validly argue they regrettably led to this by not showing courage to defend the belief homosexuality's not a healthy practice. And what next? Will religious sources be barred from helping gays and lesbians who want to learn how to relate well to the opposite sex? It's bad enough there's leftists in the USA making things difficult. Now, we have to cope with this.

Most dismaying of all about this news is how a religious movement's supporting this:
"Thanks to this circular, we can exact justice from those who hurt us," said Shay Bramson, chairman of the religious Jewish LGBTQ+ Havruta organization. "To complain and to prevent them from continuing to harm. The nonsense that is being argued against us, that we are preventing the freedom of choice, are lies. We just are stopping those who scratched us and left us with scars until today, in order that they won't hurt others."

"We would let people of hate and conversion [therapy] lose their petty battle quietly, were it not for the fact that we know that this is a matter of human lives, women and men being harmed," added Bramson. "We will not let them harm any longer and we will stop them."
Just who are these creeps? A bunch of Reform scum? Also notice how there's no dissent quoted; typical of such reports when they see fit. What "scratches" are they talking about anyway? And while as a report on rabbi Rafi Peretz noted, his clients had no problems, the pseudo-religious moonbat acts like "no pain, no gain" is an invalid argument altogether. Some of the commentors at the Post site made clear this is regrettable, including:
Terrible law in my opinion. If it's done voluntarily, one should be able to go to therapy to change their sexual orientation. There is no proof that it's genetic, and as such, one whose values compell them to change their sexual behavior and tendencies via therapy should be allowed a safe environment to do that.

As a side note, I have friends who decided to explore their sexuality and discovered new preferences. Why should certain people be forbidden from this exploration and self discovery because of the direction they choose to go in.
And then:
Not in the gay "community". They are like Nazis that want to groom children.
Indeed, it's atrocious favors are being done for a movement that's okay with that. And on that note:
What's cruel and abusive is allowing girls who don't know any better to say that they are boys and vice versa, and on that basis to give them drugs and undergo surgeries. This is one mistake they're making elsewhere that doesn't need to be made in Israel.

Also an infringement on medical professionals' free speech rights
That is what's most absolutely offensive about all this, as Abigail Shrier's made clear before. Here's another interesting comment:
I have been homosexual all my life. Albeit a "non practicing" one. And I don't want to be one. It is my belief that I shouldn't be. I believe in traditional marriage. I want to suppress this addiction and lead a healthy life that goes along with my beliefs and principles. I say 'addiction' because it has become an obsession rooted in my mind. And I need help. And now, noone is allowed to help me under penalty of law. How is this fair?
It's most definitely not. And then:
The rainbow group are ruining this country. We won’t have a country left if we don’t get rid of them all.
Correct, they're destroying everything via perversion even worse than the Roman empire's. Then:
This is what happens when the health minister is himself in need of conversion therapy but. continues to lie to himself. If he was an alcoholic he would soon demand that alcoholism does not need therapy and he will soon get on the band wagon that sex with children is also a sexual preference. This pervert must be removed from any position in the government immediately
Horovitz is another embarrassment from the left, and should prove, if anything, that he's willing to have an affair with/marry a woman. Then:
"a victory in the general struggle for tolerance and equality" by prohibiting adults to choose to voluntarily undergo counselling for a result they are interested in. George Orwell would be proud of our health minister
What Horovitz is doing is certainly Orwellian. Also:
How about a law to prohibit sex-change mutilation surgeries!!!
Absolutely. And there was a US senator who said it's like the Nazi experiments. All these years after those horrors, and now they're trying this. Of course, I see certainl religious factors to blame for where we are now, if the insular customs practiced by Haredi extremists caused a lot of this disaster we're seeing in motion now. Here's some more:
So you want it to go underground. So let me get this straight. It's ok for doctors to medically destroy perfectly good reproductive organs because a person has gender dysphoria. A medical decision that will be irreversible, end any hope of having children and make a person possibly repulsive to possible mates with deformed genitalia and breasts.

But conversion therapy is bad
Throughout the West, it is becoming illegal to merely talk to someone who is suffering from gender dysphoria, or is unhappy with a gay/lesbian sexual attraction, while the reverse, mutilating a body into a facsimile of the opposite sex, or propagandizing even small children into a gay identity, is protected, and practically required. The sexually obsessed of the world have what they want: the ability not merely to be tolerated, but to be glorified, and to force others to submit to their desires and displays. What started as tolerance has become obligated depravity.
Those are correct too. Of course, those who truly don't want this depravity to stand would do well to protest against what's going on now, and make clear that the health ministry's stance is unacceptable and unfair to gays and lesbians who want to learn how to relate to the opposite sex well. And there have been those who've been able to overcome it and went on to marry the opposite sex and have children. The Likud should side with those who believe this LGBT pandering is corrupting, and protest it.

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