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Friday, August 11, 2023 

A woman who sadly believes Orthodox Judaism's all about dress codes

What makes what this UK Mail article tells so stupefying is that the woman in focus even makes use of a worthless social network, and she's not even Haredi:
An Orthodox Jewish woman has revealed the brutal reality of adhering to the faith's strict rules.

Sophia, from Illinois , recently went viral on TikTok after documenting her 'exhausting' shopping trip for 'modest clothing' - but it is not the first time she has laid bare the struggles of her religion.

The social media star, who goes by Sophia the Jew on social media, has garnered more than 207,000 followers on the video sharing platform thanks to her candid insights.

And some of the most eye-opening clips include details on her rigorous cleaning regime before Passover as well as the struggles of finding the right job.

In her most popular clip, which has so far been viewed more than 5.5 million times, Sophia takes her followers on a shopping trip to Target in a bid to find 'modest clothing.'

Speaking from inside the changing rooms, she begins: 'I'm an Orthodox Jew.

'I only wear shirts that cover my elbows and skirts and dresses that cover my knees. I also personally don't wear any pants at all.'

Sophia continued: 'I heard there's been a little bit of controversy over Target not having any modest clothing...

'I'm going to see if they have anything modest up to my standards.'
Let's interrupt this broadcast to point out that, aside from her making use of an awful "social network" for livestreaming, it's quite intriguing she wants to buy at a department store network that's been taking woke directions and pandering to transsexual ideologues. She's not disgusted they're taking that kind of marketing approach? Did it ever occur to her that Target might not have the exact clothing she wants because they've spent too much time pushing ludicrous forms of clothing down everyone's throats, including hers? Yeesh.

But seriously now, it's hugely disappointing she believes she should dress modestly, when there's no solid evidence in the Bible/Torah that women all literally dressed the way she thinks should be done, and it's practically demeaning to women to imply their bodies are almost entirely abominations. That's exactly what's bringing down social cohesion too, and causing division.
She then takes viewers through a tour of the current women's range and points out all the features that make them unacceptable for someone following her faith - including side splits and low necklines.

Sophia concluded the trip by rating the store's range as being 'one out of 10' in a bid to demonstrate the struggles of shopping in mainstream stores as an Orthodox Jew.

And other social media users were quick to flood the post with comments as they branded the trip as 'exhausting' and 'draining.'

But clothing isn't the only cause for concern with female Orthodox Jews who are married also required to cover their hair.

Speaking about the tradition, which comes with its own complexities, Sophia said: 'There are a lot of different kinds of Orthodox Jews and with this a lot of different ways that people cover their hair.

'For example, I wear wigs, hats and tichels - which are scarves.

'Some women won't show any hair at all while others will show a little bit at the root of their hair. Some women will show a much larger section.

'There are women who only wear scarves and no wigs. There are also more modern women who only wear hair coverings to the synagogue.'

She continued: 'Yes, there are women that are bald underneath - that's more common in ultra Orthodox communities.'

Sophia concluded: 'I only show my hair to my husband or to girls. That's only if we're in my house.'
Boy, this too is insulting to the intellect. Does she really lack faith and confidence in herself that badly, she thinks no man should see her hair ever, because it'd be her fault if they behaved offensively afterwards? In some ways, this is an outgrowth of left-wing feminism, and it's interesting to wonder whether she's a leftist herself. Don't be shocked if she is. And "more modern women"? Honestly, if they cover their hair even to synagogue, that's just as ludicrous.

It doesn't sound like she's critical of ultra-Orthodox who follow what happens to be a horrific custom of slicing off all the hair, something the Nazis would celebrate. But it does point out how dangerous indoctrination into doing something awful and offensive can be. From what I know about Islam, most women wearing burkas and niqabs don't cut their hair underneath, and if not, then this alleged Jewish custom has the effect of making Judaist adherents look even more self-destructive. Do Orthodox Judaists really want to make themselves look potentially worse than the Religion of Peace?

It's a real shame there's only so many observant lady Judaists doing this themselves, not thinking independently, and not letting God be the judge. This Sophia sure isn't improving anything. I honestly wish she'd come off that belief, and stop perpetuating it. All it's done is embarrass Orthodoxy, plain and simple.

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