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Tuesday, September 26, 2023 

Leftist creeps in Tel Aviv disrupt Orthodox Yom Kippur prayer because it's gender segregated, yet have no issue with Muslim prayer doing the same

Leftists in Tel Aviv continue to turn the city into an embarrassment and practically offense by attacking a Yom Kippur prayer:
In contravention of a court ruling, prayer organizers erected makeshift barriers between men and women using Israeli flags

Clashes erupted in central Tel Aviv on Sunday on the eve of the Yom Kippur holiday, with the ultra-Orthodox organizers of a gender-segregated prayer saying they were attacked by secular protesters.

The organizers set out to separate men from women using Israeli flags as a makeshift barrier, in contravention of a court ruling and the decision of the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality, which disallowed gender-segregated prayer.

An estimated 200 activists staged a protest rally at Tel Aviv's Dizengoff square, shouting the word "shame." One protestor was arrested after climbing onto the stage where the prayer took place and taking down the flags.

Police directed worshippers to leave the area, after which they resumed the prayer service at nearby synagogues.

Similar scenes unfolded in several other Tel Aviv locations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the incidents, blaming "left-wing protesters."

"The people of Israel sought to unite on Yom Kippur, in a request for forgiveness and unity among us,"
he posted to his social media accounts. "To our astonishment, in the Jewish state, on the holiest day for the Jewish people, left-wing protestors acted out against Jews during their prayers. It seems there are no boundaries, no norms and no limit to the hatred from the extremists on the left. I, like the majority of Israeli citizens, reject this. Such violent behavior has no place among us."
What makes this particularly disturbing is that the same city municipality allows segregated Muslim prayer without any issues:
The petitioners claimed that when it comes to the Muslim population - the municipality of Tel Aviv allows the existence of segregation - and even carries it out.

"This is the place to point out, that Muslim prayers are held in the city separately, using a partition, without interference (and they are held legally. Not long ago, a mass prayer and sermon event was held in the city park - Charles Clore Park - in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Qorban. The fences of none other than the Tel Aviv municipality were used as a partition in the location."

"The mass prayer in honor of the Muslim holiday is held every year, in the same format, that of [gender] separation, in the same city park, using the same fences of the municipality as a partition. Prayers in a similar format are also held on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. Needless to say, these regular prayers are well known to the municipality."

"The Tel Aviv municipality's attempt to ban Jewish prayer, using a partition, according to the rules of Jewish law and according to Jewish tradition - is invalid. The municipality lacks the authority to create such a ban, out of nowhere."
It's certainly offensive what the TA municipality is doing, and that the court upheld their ban is equally lugubrious. That aside, not only was the behaviour of the left-wing demonstrators who attacked the Judaist prayer service obscene, it also strongly suggests they don't fast during the holiday. This was very serious, and cannot be allowed to go without condemnation. One of the protestors may have been arrested for sabotaging the flagpoles, but that's not enough. There needs to be more Judaist prayer services held in reaction to this atrocity.

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