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Wednesday, September 20, 2023 

Trump goofs on transsexuality

Ben Shapiro has questionable positions, but on this subject involving Donald Trump's fumble when it comes to addressing the issue of transsexuality and the harm it's done to society/women/children, Shapiro does have a point:
Last week, Megyn Kelly asked former President Trump about his stance on transgenderism, which has changed radically over time.

Trump used to say that he would allow men to compete against women in the Miss Universe contest
. In 2016, he said he would allow Caitlyn Jenner to use the women’s restroom, even though Caitlyn Jenner is a man.

Kelly asked him about why Jenner should have been allowed to use the female restroom. Trump responded that nobody was talking about the issue at the time.

That’s not true.

Then Kelly asked a simple question: “Can a man become a woman?”

Trump hesitated. It would have been very easy for him to say, “I changed my mind on the subject.”

But Trump has never admitted that he’s ever made a mistake. So that was impossible for him.

“In my opinion, you have a man, you have a woman,” Trump answered. ‘I think part of it is birth. Can the man give birth? No, no, although they’ll come up with some answer to that also someday. I heard just the other day they have a way that now the man can give birth. No. I’ll continue my stance on that.”

It was amazing how uneasy he was to simply say that a man cannot become a woman. This is literally the easiest question of all time. And yet Trump hesitated.
Well there's a valid point there that if he didn't just say plainly "no", it can be undermining to his positions. Let us be clear. This is a very serious issue we're dealing with here, with the worst part being how protected-class status is being applied to the whole matter of men claiming to be transsexual, or claiming they're literally a woman because they even so much as say so, and even get horrific surgery to make themselves look similar to women. Trump shouldn't be reluctant to give clear answers, because that's exactly why we're at this dire point in history.

I hope more people will press people like him on the issue, and hope next time, he gives a more straightforward reply, because conservatives can't be mushy on something that's hurt women and children very badly in many ways.

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