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Thursday, September 14, 2023 

Lessons were not learned from 9-11

Alexander Nussbaum wrote about how no lessons were learned in the 2 decades since 9-11:
A few days ago marked 22 years since 9/11. That horrible event should have been the proverbial wake up call to America, the biblical writing on the wall.

But America didn’t learn. If anything, America learned the wrong thing. Progressives, the woke, “cultural elites,” whatever you want to call them, and the political party now in power despise America, Western civilization, and everything good, such as traditional values. The values that not long ago even the worst hypocrites espoused in public are now considered “hate crimes.”

...little did I know how bad it would be two decades later, underestimating the total madness that would engulf the West and its apparent determination to commit suicide. We saw barbarism on 9/11; today barbarism rules academia, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the Democrat party.
And it's all dragging the entire world down with it. Some would-be conservatives, even Dubya, have to shoulder some of the blame too, because they never made convincing efforts to defeat the Religion of Peace when they had the chance, and even enabled Islamofascists in Afghanistan to do horrific things while they were there. When double-standards become commonplace, it's not possible to mend the damage. Now, said damage has taken its toll in the worst ways possible.

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