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Wednesday, September 06, 2023 

Communist infiltration in the USA is bad, but what about Islam's continuing inroads there as well?

In this review of Christopher Rufo's new book, America's Cultural Revolution, the writer discusses communist infiltration in USA institutions, but doesn't mention a certain other ideology that's just as or more destructive:
In America’s Cultural Revolution, out in July, Rufo connects the seemingly sudden wave of leftist extremism in the United States with its antecedents in Marxist philosophy and practice. He shows that today’s mass, often-silent censorship of public discourse combined with riots and antipathy toward police and prisons are not random accidents, but part of a cohesive political program concocted decades ago by successful communist true believers.

This is an important thing to demonstrate because comforting slogans have lulled many Americans, including many on the political right, into willful blindness to the mass infiltration of our own institutions by communist ideology and adherents. These include: “Fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here,” “the Cold War is over,” and “Communism’s main threat to the United States is from potential military action from Red China.”

Many politicians, especially on the right, bluster about protecting the United States from Red China, both militarily and economically. Most of those same politicians are entirely silent about communist infiltration into U.S. institutions as everyday and deeply influential as public schools and workplaces.

There’s no way, for example, the majority of current Senate Republicans would support defunding Marxist outposts far more threatening to the United States than China’s soft-power Confucious Institutes: diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucracies, including in higher education
. As the Supreme Court noted in Bostock v. Clayton County, more than 100 federal laws are now being used as excuses to foist Marxist-driven DEI policies into every corner of American society.

It’s impossible to know whether most lawmakers who could end this subversion of American freedoms are complicit or stooges. Considering that, as Rufo shows, cultural Marxists believe in their intellectual father Herbert Marcuse’s policy of repressing not just speech but even thoughts that oppose their ideology, perhaps instead the issue is that their minds are captive to America’s enemies. Regardless, voters and those they elect can no longer ignore the proof of this mass subversion that Rufo’s book puts into the public eye.
A lot of what's said here about communism can also easily be said about Islam, and that's a subject that may have been all but obscured of recent by even conservatives themselves, even though it remains a very serious issue, and is even more destructive in its own way than communism. Even Frank Gaffney once warned about the dangers of Islamic infiltration, and concerns are valid. But the query is whether prominent conservatives still maintain any kind of awareness regarding Islamic infiltration into even their own ranks. Let's be clear. The Religion of Peace is still as dangerous as ever around the world, and we can't let down our guard on that issue any more than we can when it comes to communism. But do the writers at the Federalist realize any of that?

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