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Friday, September 01, 2023 

Arab mother in Haifa became victim of honor murder committed by sons

Often, when you hear about Muslim honor murders, it's a case of father/brother murdering a daughter/sister. In this case, a mother was the victim of an honor murder by her sons:
Israel Police arrested four suspects for the murder of 41-year-old Haifa resident, Talya Khatib. Two of the suspects are her 18 and 20-year-old sons, police said Friday.

The suspects were arrested along the Seam Line after attempting to flee, as per police suspicion. The two other suspects, 27-year-old Ahmad Ibrahim, and an unnamed 16-year-old, are not related to the victim but are familiar with the family, police added.

According to initial suspicion, Khatib was murdered due to her family's disapproval of her "way of life." [...]

Khatib, a mother of seven, had long complained to police about incidents of domestic violence by her partner and other members of her family. According to KAN News, she had previously resided in a shelter for victims of domestic abuse.
Whether it was a case of her not wearing a burka is unclear, but what is clear is that her sons are most repulsive people to commit something so abominable, and should be locked away in solitary confinement.

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