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Thursday, August 31, 2023 

Offensive signs like this minimize the Holocaust

Left-wing demonstrators once again resorted to vulgar comparisons against Benjamin Netanyahu:
During the left-wing demonstration this morning (Thursday) a sign was displayed with a picture of Prime Minister Netanyahu with the inscription "Mein Kampf", a book by Adolf Hitler, tearing the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

The demonstration was attended by veterans of the IDF' elite cyberwar unit 8200, the chairman of the Bar Association and the "Building an Alternative" organization.

The Minister of the Interior and Health, Moshe Arbel, condemned the act and said that he "strongly condemns the cruel demonstrators who harmed the memory of the six million Jews who were murdered, tortured and destroyed in the terrible Holocaust".

"The comparison of the Prime Minister of Israel to Hitler is grave and terrible and not protected under freedom of speech. I expect the Attorney General to act to prevent these serious phenomena," Arbel added.
Somehow, I doubt she will. But that aside, what makes this obscene is how it takes away meaning from the Holocaust, all over a disagreement on judicial reform. If they really have a beef, those leftists will take it to the Haredis whose positions could be suspect, along with other fellow leftists. But they should not be dragging Netanyahu into subjects like this for the millionth time. This is just plain repellent.

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