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Wednesday, August 30, 2023 

NYC mayor will allow mosque loudspeakers to blare

For the 22nd year since September 11, New York City mayor Eric Adams is going to allow Islamic mosques to operate loudspeakers:
The Ground Zero Mosque was something from another decade. All of New York City is becoming overrun with mosques. There’s even an official city guide to the best terror mosques to visit while in the city.

Now, Mayor Eric Adams has great news for anyone who likes being woken by Jihadist shrieks in the morning.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Edward A. Caban today launched a new NYPD initiative to support and facilitate the Islamic call to public prayer at regularly prescribed times each Friday and during the holy month of Ramadan. The effort represents a historic step forward in Mayor Adams’ continued efforts to foster a city that respects all faiths and allows people to practice their traditions safely and free from harassment.

“For too long, there has been a feeling that our communities were not allowed to amplify their calls to prayer,” said Mayor Adams. “Today, we are cutting red tape and saying clearly that mosques and houses of worship are free to amplify their call to prayer on Fridays and during Ramadan without a permit necessary. We want our brothers and sisters of Muslim faith to know that they are free to live their faith in New York City because, under the law, we will all be treated equally. Our administration is proud to finally get this done.”

No one is stopping mosques from hosting their calls for the death of infidels, but can it be done quietly? Nope, it’s gotta be “amplified” much as it was in the days of Mohammed through massive loudspeaker systems.

New Yorkers had already been complaining about mosque aural terror.
It's bad enough with all the illegal immigrants Adams has otherwise allowed to crowd up the burg (and NY governor Kathy Hochul's allowed it too). Mainly because it takes away attention from serious issues like these. If this is how Adams is going to run NYC, then he's not serious about opposing antisemitism, as he supposedly did some time ago.

I visited NYC about 2 decades ago. But with the way things are going there now, heading for dhimmitude, I don't ever want to visit there again.

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