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Tuesday, September 05, 2023 

Papau New Guinea opens embassy in Jerusalem

This appears to be the 5th foreign country embassy opening in Israel's capitol after the USA did so beginning in 2017:
With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, and a delegation of senior ministers from Papua New Guinea – who came specially for the occasion – in attendance, the Embassy of Papua New Guinea was dedicated today (Tuesday, 5 September 2023) in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu commented: "I was very moved when I heard your anthem. I heard the words 'prayer' and 'hope'. Much of the origin of this prayer was in this city, and as you correctly said, it's been our capital for the last three thousand years. This is where so much of our heritage emerged from. This is where our values were forged. This is where our prophets prophesied. This is where so many of the eternal values that we hold dear were created and disseminated to the people of Israel, and from there to all humanity.

"So I think it's fitting that a state and a people so deeply committed to these values do what you just did – that is open an embassy in Jerusalem, the first Asian-Pacific country to do so. And we're very proud and very appreciative of that fact." [...]

In the course of his visit to Israel, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen and discussed bilateral relations with them. The sides expressed their desire to expand cooperation between the two countries in a range of areas, especially advanced agriculture.
And agriculture's an excellent idea too. Now, it's to be hoped most European countries will be willing to follow suit soon.

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