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Monday, September 04, 2023 

LGBT ideology is a religion

Tyler O'Neil discusses the sad modern ideology of transsexuality, how it's badly impacted children online and off, and makes a sad but important point what it's become for practically decades:
Gender ideology has all the hallmarks of a cult, prioritizing an individual’s self-expression over biological sex and seeking to silence any criticism of this idea. It seems extremely ironic that schools bar any instruction of the Bible—a seminal text in Western civilization as well as a historical and religious volume—while embracing, whole hog, a pseudo-religion directly at odds with the basic fact that human beings are male and female.
Tragically, that's exactly what it is. More than a cult, it's become a religion, and one of the worst influences besides Islam and even Scientology. Worst, it's led so far to thousands of children undergoing Mengele experiments that have undoubtably caused serious physical pain and health problems. And these terrible operations are also a way of destroying one's identity for the sake of Frankenstein horrors.

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