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Friday, September 08, 2023 

Another rally against the Israeli supreme court's awful leftist judges

On Thursday, another demonstration in favor of judicial reform and against the terrible leftist justices took place near the supreme court:
Thousands of protesters gathered in support of the judicial reform in front of the Supreme Court in Jerusalem on Thursday night, ahead of a hearing on Tuesday for petitions against the only legal overhaul article to pass into law: The Law to Restrict the Reasonableness Standard.

Waving Israeli flags and carrying signs, the men, women, and children swayed to music as they awaited more protesters to flood into the street.

Men dressed in banana costumes came jaunting past Cinema City, proclaiming that the country was like a banana republic due to the power exerted by the justices. They carried a large banner with Supreme Court President Esther Hayut and other justices portrayed as Roman emperors.

On the main stage’s screen and from speakers, a rap song asserted that the Supreme Court was attacking religious values, settlements, and the military, while allowing other events, such as the Eritrean riots in south Tel Aviv last Saturday.

[...] Peleg said democracy was in danger, and the court was set to carry out two “terrorist attacks” in September by ruling on basic laws.

“We won’t accept a judicial dictatorship of the Supreme Court,” he said. “Israel won’t be a Jewish state or a democratic state if it cancels laws chosen by the nation.”

The government’s hands were tied in the fight against terrorism and lawlessness in the Negev, Peleg said.

Many of the signs created by Tekuma 2023, the main organizer of the rally, said: “Supreme Court, don’t cancel me!”
What the supreme court's been doing to date has definitely caused long ranging damage, and this situation can't continue as it is.

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