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Friday, September 08, 2023 

Biden bunch makes normalization of Israeli-Saudi ties impossible

It says in this article:
Any progress on normalizing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia currently hinges on defense guarantees, which the latter is seeking from the United States, said a senior Israeli official traveling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s delegation to Cyprus.

The senior official, deeply involved in the diplomatic process, estimated there are another “four to five” non-resolved issues upon which the negotiations turn, but they are “not as complicated.”

American and Palestinian delegations are traveling to the Gulf state this week to continue talks that would include a US-brokered normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a prospect deeply desired by Netanyahu.

The official assessed that Israeli concessions to the Palestinians were not the chief Saudi focus, with the Saudi-US defense pact the kingdom’s main concern.

While declining to elaborate on potential concessions, the senior official added that Netanyahu, who spent the past two days in Cyprus for trilateral talks with his Cypriot and Greek counterparts, felt confidant he would be able to rally his hardline coalition behind him. The coalition, including Netanyahu’s far-right partners and lawmakers in his Likud party, overwhelmingly oppose a Palestinian state and are committed to extending Jewish sovereignty over the West Bank.
As Andrea Widburg points out:
In other words, Saudi Arabia doesn’t care about the Palestinians. However, the U.S. government, as a condition of the normalization talks, is trying to force Israel to get on board with a two-state solution while pulling out of Judea and Samaria.

Regarding Judea and Samaria, an archeology dig has discovered a 4,000-year-old Israelite settlement in that region. It is a reminder that, with the Canaanites and Philistines having vanished several millennia ago, Jews are the indigenous people of the Holy Land. It’s also a reminder that Judea and Samaria are the heartland of the Jews’ indigenous state.

As for the two-state solution, Israel cannot recognize on her borders a sovereign state that has as its stated goal her destruction. Nor can Jerusalem function as a divided city. The last time that Arab Muslims had control over Jerusalem, they banned Jews from accessing their Holy sites and destroyed anything they could get away with destroying.

In other words, while Saudi Arabia and the U.S. are talking about ways to protect Saudi Arabia, the Biden administration is saying that, as a condition of entering into the agreement, Israel must destroy her national security. That hardly seems fair.
Yet this is tragically the path the Democrats have advocated for a long time, regardless of what the Hamas and PLO say and encourage against Israel. And this is exactly why Israel shouldn't rely on the USA for mediating. It only makes normalization of connections impossible.

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