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Wednesday, September 20, 2023 

French government cannot be silent about victims of Muslim rape

The father of a girl who was raped into a coma by an Islamofascist has condemned the state's silence on the issue (via Front Page Magazine):
In a case that has made national headlines in France due to the level of brutality, 29-year-old Mégane has now awoken after being raped into a coma with a broomstick by Oumar Ndiaye, who has been dubbed “the monster of Cherbourg” by politician Damien Rieu.

The 29-year-old woman has been in an artificial coma for over a month since the attack on Aug. 4; however, her health still remains “fragile,” according to relatives.

The attack is being described as an “act of torture” by French news outlet Le Figaro, in which the 18-year-old Ndiaye allegedly broke into Mégane’s apartment and began to rape her with a 29-inch-long broomstick, perforating her colon and causing injuries that nearly killed her and left hospital staff treating the woman in tears. Police sources say Mégane had reportedly seen the suspect before but had no interaction with him prior to the rape.

“Mégane came out of a coma a few days ago, but her state of health remains fragile. This is obviously excellent news, but it will take her a long time to recover from all that she has suffered,” said her father, Ludovic, in a press release, which he also read on the radio station HAG’FM, which he founded.

Ludovic is now trying to raise awareness about the French government and its lack of response to the brutal crime, as well as to the fact that the man who allegedly tortured his daughter into a coma had a long criminal record but remained free to attack again.

“(The government) not communicating about this attack gives credit to all these sexual predators and other parasites of society who plague the streets. A wake-up call to the government about the fact that we leave this kind of individual, with a heavy criminal past, in complete freedom, would be welcome. ‘Trust in justice,’ we were told… We only want that,”
he said.

As Remix News previously reported, the 18-year-old suspect has a long and violent criminal record consisting of 17 offenses involving physical assault, theft, and the incestuous sexual assault of his younger sister.

The suspect was arrested a week later, with his fingerprints matching those found in the victim’s apartment, and the suspect’s geolocation on his phone also showed that he was in her apartment during the attack. [...]
If he wasn't arrested before, or was released much too easily from custody, that says quite a bit too. And the government would do well to address the abominations, because this dhimmitude to sexual violence has gone on far too long, and cannot be ignored.

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