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Monday, September 18, 2023 

Yariv Levin on what the Israeli supreme court is like

The current justice minister says the Israeli supreme court is an elitist bastion:
Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Yariv Levin stated in an interview with CBS's 60 Minutes that the High Court of Justice is "an elitist bastion that too often overrules lawmakers chosen by the people."

"No democracy can accept a situation that the government, the elected government that has a majority in the parliament, won't be able to pass any bill and to do anything because there are protests, because there are some people that are against it," Levin said.

Levin challenged the interviewer's questions critiquing the current Israeli government, assuring that "the vast majority of the members of parliament that support this government stand firmly behind democratic and liberal principles."
What's really sad is how the far-left's going out of their way to protest this in the most reprehensible ways possible. All that does is make clear why the overhaul is needed.

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