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Monday, October 23, 2023 

57 percent of Muslims in the USA support Hamas

A poll's been taken that reveals a considerable amount of Muslims in the USA believe the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7 was justified:
America, we have a problem.

The Cygnal poll is unique in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children.

28% of Muslims in America strongly agree that Hamas was justified whle 29% somewhat agree
. On the other side, 16% strongly disagree while 25% somewhat disagree.
However the results of the poll are written down, it's clear pure evil lurks in USA society, and couldn't even care less about over 20 children who've been orphaned by the bloodbath. This article gives a bit clearer a perspective:
A new poll released late last week found that the majority of Muslim Americans believes that Hamas was “justified” in committing terrorist attacks against Israel.

The poll from Cygnal surveyed over 2,000 people from October 16-18 to gauge the public’s overall awareness and attitudes about what was happening in Israel.

A majority overall, 50.6%, have a positive opinion of Israel compared to only 12% who have a negative opinion while 37% were neutral. The two groups that had the highest negative views of Israel were Muslim Americans at 36.5% and Democrats at 15.7%. The groups that had the largest positive views of Israel were Jewish Americans at 85.1% (vs less than 5% negative) and Republicans at 64.9% (vs less than 9% negative).

The results showed that Muslim Americans were far less educated about numerous aspects of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists than Jewish Americans. For example, only 10.8% of Jewish Americans were “not aware” of the fact that Hamas had decapitated babies compared to 34.1% of Muslim Americans who were “not aware.”
On the other hand, a majority of Israelis want the Hamas destroyed:
A poll commission by the Israel Victory Project demonstrates overwhelming support among all sectors of the Israeli public for the primary objective of Operation Swords of Iron to be the elimination of Hamas. When asked the question, “In the context of ‘Swords of Iron,’ what should be Israel’s primary objective?” 70% of the public answered to “eliminate Hamas," 15% answered to “secure the unconditional release of captives held by Hamas,” and 13% answered to “disarm Hamas completely.” Interestingly, 54% of those who said they voted for an Arab party in the last election also replied: “eliminate Hamas” as their preferred objective of the operation.

The Israel Victory Project is launching a campaign to ensure that the Israeli Government and security forces continue the war until its war aims have been met, including the elimination of Hamas. The campaign is titled “No Stopping Until Victory” and will encompass senior decision-makers and opinion shapers, as well as the general public. [...]

“It is clear that the public is calling overwhelmingly for the elimination of Hamas, nothing short of that will be considered a victory,” said Nave Dromi, CEO of the Middle East Forum’s Israel Office. “The decision-makers now have the statistics to demonstrate where the citizens of Israel stand on these issues, who call on them to act accordingly.”

When poll respondents were given the option of launching a ground operation in Gaza to eradicate Hamas or avoiding a ground operation and finding another way to deal with Hamas, 68% chose the former and 25% the latter solution.

On the issue of international pressure, respondents were asked about how much Israel should take into consideration its foreign allies. 43% responded that Israel must consider the perspectives of allies, particularly the United States, on security matters, while 55% responded that Israel must ignore external demands and make its own security decisions. [...]

On the regional level, the idea of making concessions to the Palestinians in exchange for normalization with Saudi Arabia was not popular. When asked, “If Saudi Arabia demands significant concessions to the Palestinian Authority by Israel as the price for formal ties, should Israel agree to these?” 72% of the Israeli public said no, whereas 21% said yes.
Back in the USA, it's been warned that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists could be crossing the border:
Federal officials are warning that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the southern border, according to an internal Oct. 20 memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sent the memo warning that due to the war between Israel and Hamas, there could be encounters of terror-tied individuals who are seeking to travel to or from the Middle East via transit across the southern border. Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah, all of which are U.S.-designated terrorist organizations, have been committing attacks on Israel in a war that began with a surprise attack on hundreds of civilians on Oct. 7. [...]

Amid record illegal immigration at the southern border, Border Patrol has recorded a major influx of encounters of individuals whose names appear on the terror watchlist.
After the horrible incident that occurred 2 weeks ago, it's no shock terrorist groups could be emboldened to attack the USA as well. But who knows if Biden and company are actually going to take serious measures to close off the borders and stop these monsters from entering?

Update: in related news, Donald Trump has slammed universities for enabling antisemitism on their campuses.

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