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Friday, October 27, 2023 

Store run by pro-Hamas supporters in Qalqilya demolished

The IDF punished the owner of a store in the PLO-run Qalqilya town where the owners were discovered supporting Hamas:
The IDF closed and demolished a store in the Palestinian Authority city of Qalqilya after the store owner expressed support for the Hamas terrorist organization by posting a photograph of one of the Israeli civilians who were kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas.

The soldiers left a note at the site with an explanation: "This store supports terrorism and therefore it was closed."

A few weeks ago, a similar incident occurred when IDF forces demolished a pizza shop after the business's Facebook account mocked an elderly woman whose kidnapping was filmed by Hamas.

The Honenu legal organization raised the issue of the store's support for terrorism. The organization demanded the closure of the pizza shop in Huwara in a letter to General Yehuda Fox, the commander of IDF Central Command.

Attorney Ofir Steiner, from the civil department of the organization, wrote in the letter that the business in question is named "Eiffel Bakery", and is located in the center of Huwara. Another publication stated that the owner of the pizzeria is Salah Hamous who several years ago seriously injured a boy from Yitzhar with a rock, but was released due to lack of evidence.

"We are in a time of war, after a murderous terrorist incident, the most terrible and the largest seen in human history," Steiner wrote in his letter to Major General Fox. "At this time, any support for the said murderous and unprecedented terrorist event is like support for the great haters of the Jewish people - the Nazis, may their name be erased. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of immediate enforcement, in a deterrent and decisive manner, which is needed at this time against phenomena of this kind."
An important message can be sent this way - that those who support barbarism have no business working in business.

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