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Monday, November 13, 2023 

A man raised by Hamas describes their sadistic indoctrinations

A man who'd been raised under Hamas was interviewed by Israeli television, and describes their repulsive conduct, all influenced, of course, by the Religion of Peace:
A former Hamas terrorist-in-training told an Israeli news station of his brutal upbringing — including watching other children being beheaded and being forced to lie in graves to practice being a martyr — as he was indoctrinated by Hamas in Gaza during his childhood.

Yaron Abraham was born in Lod, an Israeli city near Tel Aviv, before he was transported to Gaza for Hamas jihadi training at one of the most “extreme” mosques in the region. Abraham later escaped and was taken in by an Israeli family, after which Abraham joined the Israeli military and converted to Judaism.

Abraham told his story in an interview on Channel 13 News. The interview was conducted in Hebrew. The Daily Wire obtained an English transcript of what was said.

Abraham lived in Lod until he turned 9. One of his sisters, the one he was closest with among his siblings, was murdered over “family honor,” he said.

“I started asking questions, wanting to understand what happened,” he said. His family, fearing he would “complicate things” for them if he stayed in Lod, sent Abraham to an extremist mosque in Gaza for his education.
Read more. He did the right thing to leave and get out of Islam. The "parents" who honor-murdered his sister are an abomination.

While we're on the subject, it's been warned that Hamas and Hezbollah could also be using chemical warfare laced with drugs like fentanyl:
Israel is preparing for the possibility that the Hamas terror organization in Gaza and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon may attack using various liquid fentanyl variants, designed to incapacitate and kill large numbers of people.

The Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, sent an alert to staffers this week telling them that Israel’s health authorities had warned the MDA to prepare for the possibility that terror organizations might cause a mass casualty event using opioids from the fentanyl class of compounds. The MDA asked staff members to familiarize themselves with the protocol for treating a mass casualty event triggered by fentanyl.

Though the MDA alert did not mention rockets specifically, a source told Breitbart News that a few rockets with chemical capabilities had been found in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also said in a statement Sunday that some Hamas weapons recovered in the area of Beit Hanoun had been “brought to Israel for further examination,” without elaboration. There currently is no known way to use rockets to disperse fentanyl, as it is believed the explosion would destroy the drug, rendering it harmless. However, there may be other ways to weaponize fentanyl. [...]

The MDA told staff that syringes with antidotes to opioids would be distributed as they became available. However, a source told Breitbart News that there is a fear that the country would not have enough antidotes to deal with the scale of possible attacks.

Chemical weapons have been referred to once before in the ongoing conflict. Israel’s ceremonial president, Isaac Herzog, told Sky News last month that some Hamas terrorists who infiltrated the country on October 7 were found with USB drives containing instructions for making cyanide weapons.
It'd definitely be ill-advised to think this couldn't happen. It most definitely could, repulsive as it is to think about.

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