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Sunday, November 12, 2023 

Those who supported the 2005 "disengagement" now owe a serious apology

Nadav Shragai makes the completely valid case that anybody who supported the 2005 "disengagement" that led to the Hamas horror on October 7 now owes an apology:
For the long list of apologies that the State of Israel will need to seek from its citizens at the end of this war, I request to include a forgiveness request from a public that has been somewhat forgotten here: the evacuees of Gush Katif, their descendants, and their families. Some of them are currently taking part in the war, including in areas that were once their home; their heart wrench seeing what they have become. Few are already wearing the orange ribbons became the symbol of the protest against the 2005 uprooting of the settlements as part of the 2005 Disengagement Plan.

There is practically zero willingness to reestablish the settlements but at the very least, we should all ask the former residents for forgiveness.

Everyone who had a hand in that evacuation is this uprooting; anyone who initiated, supported, executed, or assisted in forcibly evicting 10,000 people from their homes in Gush Katif and northern Samaria, in a cruel fashion and without true reason or purpose. Those decision-makers are among those who have to ask for forgiveness. Then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is no longer with us, but his "Ranch Forum" members and his sons Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzipi Livni, and Shaul Mofaz are still around.
I see Mr. Shragai not letting Netanyahu be overlooked either. I understand how he feels. And Netanyahu himself admitted he too has to answer for certain issues after this war is over.
The forgiveness request also extends to the Supreme Court justices who did not bother to come to Gush Katif and relied on security experts appointed by the state, "since that has been the court's position since its establishment." They rendered their ruling on the eviction after automatically assuming that such plans "improve the security situation" because "evacuation reduces the Palestinians' desire to harm the Israeli population."

The media also has to ask for forgiveness, having treated Sharon with kid gloves and allowed him to turn a flourishing agricultural land and a whole world of communities, synagogues, and educational institutions into ruins. To that list, one must add the top echelons of the IDF and the Shin Bet, who refused to publicly come out and say what they were whispering behind closed doors. We must also seek the forgiveness of doomsayers, who were condemned as delusional and anti-peace because they warned that missiles from Gaza would reach Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Beersheba.
I know somebody on the other side of the ocean who owes an apology, and will make a great example for citation here: Ed Morrissey, a blogger at the Hot Air website originally launched by the now disgraced Michelle Malkin, whom I recall lecturing people that Gaza was "worthless" to Israel back in 2005. Some "conservative" he is, that's for sure.

And one of the ways forgiveness can be sought is to allow the reconstruction of Jewish neighborhoods. And of course, any and all Arabs who continue to live in the Gaza region must be reeducated, and would do well to shed Islam as their template for following. Maybe they could be persuaded to convert to Judaism, which could serve a most important example if they want to seek forgiveness.

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