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Wednesday, November 08, 2023 

For the first time in nearly 2 decades, IDF soldiers pray at ancient synagogue in Gaza

As the IDF continues to deal with the Hamas monsters still poisoning Gaza, Israeli soldiers found the time to pray at the site of an ancient synagogue from the Byzantine era in the area:
One of the hottest trending Google searches in Hebrew on Wednesday in Israel is "Gaza ancient synagogue"—and the reason is that Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers prayed there, the first time in close to two decades that a Jew was allowed to pray at this holy site.

Michael Freund, who established the Shavei Israel organization posted on X (formerly Twitter): "For the first time in decades, Israeli soldiers prayed in the ancient synagogue in Gaza, which was built in the 6th century and where a beautiful mosaic floor depicting King David was unearthed years ago. Jews have returned to Gaza!!"

A number of posts suggest that soldiers prayed at the ancient synagogue, yet no photos were shared on social media, due to the fact that there are very strict instructions on documentation during combat.

The ancient synagogue of Gaza, dating back to 508 CE during the Byzantine period, was unearthed in 1965. Situated in what was once the bustling port city of Gaza, known as "Maiuma" or El Mineh (the harbor) at the time, this historical site now resides within the Rimal district of Gaza City. The Egyptian archaeologists initially identified it as a church, but a remarkable mosaic featuring King David playing a lyre, labeled in Hebrew, was subsequently found.
On this note, I'd like to say that it's good Ariel Sharon ultimately got punished for abandoning all this. He really led to considerable harm along with the far-leftists of Israel at the time. Now, much of his damage is being reversed, and bless the soldiers who took the time to pray at that ancient site along the way.

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